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Excitotoxins: Sick, Tired, and Overweight-- Uncovering Your Hidden Fat Factor

Having a hard time losing weight?

Dieting Thermometer

No doubt you’ve asked yourself a thousand times, "Why won’t that stubborn weight come off?"

You’re exercising, eating low fat foods, watching fat grams, consuming diet drinks, and feeling hungry a lot of the time.

And if you’re menopausal, you’re not even trying to lose the weight you’ve got; you’re just trying to maintain!

Tell your guilt to take a back seat.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of the book "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills," distinguished neurosurgeon, and the world’s leading authority on MSG, has a chilling explanation for that stubborn layer of fat glued to your abdomen.

And if he’s right, diet and exercise will not be particularly helpful in shrinking that unwanted layer of fat.

What’s Behind Your Hidden Fat Factor

overweight person with hamburger

​​There is over 40 years of scientific evidence behind Dr. Blaylock’s conclusion that

MSG, a flavor enhancer traditionally used in Asian food, is at the root of America’s 34% increase in obesity in the last 40 years.

Food manufacturers dump MSG in to nearly all processed food.

Even if you’re health conscious and stick to packaged organic foods, you are still likely to consume a teaspoon of MSG each day, and never know it.

And the problem is, it’s making us fat, tired and seriously sick.

Food manufacturers contend that MSG is safe because it’s “natural.” But that’s a spin on the real truth.

Dubbed an excitotoxin by Blaylock, monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is the sodium salt of glutamate, a naturally occurring amino acid in your body.

MSG’s only role is to alter how food tastes. And it literally excites brain cells to death.

Think of it this way: Let’s say you have a daisy growing in your yard. Then you pick off

all the petals.


The daisy will still grow, still try to do its job, but now its ability to perform has been impaired.

With the missing petals, the other parts of the flower are confused.

Eventually, the flower dies because a necessary part of its normal functioning ability has been removed.

Your body, so carefully and skillfully designed, has its own intricate dance. And it’s worked quite well for thousands of years.

Part of that dance is glutamic acid, a normal neurotransmitter that is most commonly used by the brain. Your body only needs tiny, tiny amounts of it to run normally.

The pancreas joins in by slowly breaking down this important amino acid. Your gut, tissues, and especially muscles can easily absorb it before toxic concentrations can build up.

It’s a perfect equation for good health.

But remove one part of this vital amino acid and your body becomes confused. With MSG, the whole dance has runamuck. The dance step your body knows so well has been contorted into a freak show.

How It Puts On The Pounds

MSG Molecular Structure

Because MSG is a single part of glutamic acid, it literally becomes an alien invader.

Here’s a quick rundown on how MSG can cause obesity:

Your body only has a teaspoon of sugar flowing in your blood at any one time. If you have more than that, you’ll die.

When you eat sugar, the pancreas steps in and produces insulin to counteract the sugar. The insulin absorbs the excess sugar, and you put on the pounds.

But MSG also causes an insulin response. Once again, the pancreas produces insulin thinking you’ve just eaten sugar. It orders your cells to store the MSG as sugar. That’s when the dance changes to an all out war.

Within a couple of hours, you think you are low in sugar and eat again. But the food you eat has more MSG in it. You keep this up all day, snacking and munching.

Your pancreas tries to keep up, constantly producing insulin. Your cells keep firing over and over again.

Weary soldiers following the orders of their general, they keep at their job relentlessly. Exhaustion overtakes them and finally they explode and die.

Why You May Have That Stubborn Belly Fat

MSG fat stored in your body stays right where it is, deep in the adipose (fat) layers of the abdomen. For many people, you can’t even diet or exercise away MSG pounds.


If you find yourself craving a processed food you just finished eating, Dr. Blaylock offers an explanation.

The evidence points strongly to MSG addiction.

Animal studies show that MSG exposed animals prefer carbohydrates and sugars to protein-rich foods.

Apple in water

If you consume a highly processed diet, or eat out a lot, your metabolism is ramped for more and more of the same stuff. If given a choice, would you choose a candy bar over an apple?

Would you choose ice cream over a steak? The animal studies strongly indicate you would choose to continue the addictive cycle. And that’s what food manufacturers want.

With any addiction, your whole body’s metabolism has been thrown off, it can no longer do what it was designed to do.

Disease creeps in and your body begins to break down.

With regular MSG consumption, there is also an extremely high incidence of heart attack, stroke, arteriosclerosis, insomnia, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.

The only way to counteract the deadly downward spiral of excitotoxins is to stop consuming them. That means carefully reading labels.

Hidden under at least 80 different names, MSG and its cohorts are lurking on every food label. You just have to know how to find it.

The Many Names of MSG

But That’s Not The End Of The MSG Story

MSG makes its way into your hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls hunger and damages it. The effects of eating excitotoxins like MSG are generally subtle and take a long time to develop.

Dr. Blaylock puts it like this:

“One can only wonder if the large number of people having difficulty with obesity in the United Sates is related to early exposure to food additive excitotoxins, since this obesity is one of the most consistent features of the syndrome.

One characteristic of the obesity induced by excitotoxins is that it doesn’t appear to depend on food intake. This could explain why some people cannot diet away their obesity.”

If MSG stimulates your appetite, aspartame, another excitotoxin, expands it. A great combination for weight gain!

MSG Infographic

Why Aspartame Is MSG’s Favorite Excitotoxin

Coca Cola

Millions of Americans consume diet drinks as if they were the Holy Grail of weight loss. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Food manufacturers tout “one skinny little calorie,” but the truth is far bigger than one fat gram.

The easiest way to gain weight and keep it on is to drink diet drinks. Aspartame, also known as NutraSweet, Equal and Splenda, are notorious for weight gain.

Dr. Sandra Cabot of the organization, Mission Possible, Australia, and author of "The Body Shaping Diet" and "Women’s Health," states that MSG increases appetite and aspartame’s side affect is weight gain.

Cabot has the proof to back it up. The Trocho Study in Barcelona Spain in 1998 showed that the formaldehyde in aspartame converted from free methyl alcohol accumulates in the cells and damages DNA. The most toxicity is in the liver but substantial toxicity is in the adipose tissue (fat cells.)

Any time liver cells become “fatty,” it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight. In fact, overloading the liver increases your tendency to gain weight easily.

That extra weight is stored deep into the adipose, or fat layers, of the abdomen, just like MSG. And it, too, is extremely difficult to get rid of. So why do millions of people ingest such deadly toxins everyday?

Here’s Dr. Cabot’s take on our massive consumption of aspartame:

“It is because people have been brainwashed into thinking aspartame will keep their weight down and is good for health. The belief is inconsistent with credible science and shows me that we have lost touch with our own natural sense and instincts.”

Diseases Linked with MSG-Inducedd Obesity

The Best Defense Is An Offense

If you’re sick, tired and overweight, take charge.


You can change the quality of your life by changing what you eat.

Don’t risk your health by consuming products with MSG and aspartame.

If you’re eating a lot of processed foods and beverages, cut back. Then, cut them out!

Eat foods with high amounts of vitamin A, C, and flavonoids. Green, leafy vegetables, including spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens are all rich in antioxidants.

Fruits such as prunes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries also counteract MSG’s deadly effects, as do spices such as turmeric and black, green and red teas.

Reclaim your health and send the processed food manufacturers a strong message. Refuse to increase their profits at the expense of your life.

By choosing healthier products, you’ll not only feel better, it will be easier for that stubborn weight to come off.

Startling Statistics:

  • In 2002, consumers spent $174 billion on processed foods.

  • 90% of foods marketed each year are processed foods.

  • Last year, 2,800 new candies, desserts, ice cream, and snacks were introduced to the marketplace, compared to 230 new fruits and vegetables.

  • $12 billion is spent marketing to children.

An Unholy Alliance Between Business And Science

FDA Approved Stamp

Consuming processed food and drinks feeds more than your appetite. It feeds disease, obesity, and lines the pockets of food manufacturers, who are very fiercely competitive.

And the FDA has sent a clear signal that it will remain silent on this issue. It’s up to you. You have to be your own watchdog.

In the meantime, here’s the $174 billion question:

If MSG is so safe and natural, why do food manufacturers hide it under 80 counterfeit names? As long as it’s legal and manufacturers are making money, that’s not a question they are likely to answer very soon.






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