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The Trouble with Sunscreen

Sun Picture

Who isn't confused about sunscreen?

Some experts say not to use it at all. Stay in the sun unprotected for 20 minutes to get the vitamin D you need.

Then, get out of the sun. Hmmmm...how well is that working for you?

Let's face it. In the summertime, outside is where most of us want to be! That makes it easy to get the required vitamin D.

And it's true that moderate sun exposure helps to increase vitamin D in the body. In fact, sensible sun exposure is good for you. Moderate exposure to the sun has been linked to a lower risk of many types of cancer, including skin cancer.

But, it's easy to overstay your welcome in the sun. That isn't good. Extreme over exposure to sun with sun burn can increase your risk of cancer.

And then there's that pesky little problem with chemical sunscreens.

Many of them contain 5 dangerous chemicals like parabens, PABA, avobenzone, artificial fragrance, oxybenzone, and vitamin A.

Surprised about vitamin A? Mainstream manufacturers convert it to retinal palmitate, which creates free radicals when exposed to UV light.

This form of vitamin A has also been linked to brain swelling, organ toxicity, and other serious diseases.

Top Benefits of Mineral Sunscreen

Here at Jewell's Naturals, we carry natural, mineral sunscreen for the body and the face. We even have the best natural sunscreen for babies!

But this time, we want to specifically talk about sunscreen for your face. This is really one of the most difficult areas of the body to protect. Why?

  • Skin can be sensitive and sunscreen can irritate it

  • Skin can be acne-prone with sunscreen exacerbating acne

  • Skin can be dry and sunscreen can feel dry to the skin

Usually, it's the chemicals in these sunscreen products that cause problems for facial skin.

With natural, mineral sunscreen, you can sidestep these problems, and still enjoy all the benefits of safe, sun exposure.

Best Natural Sunscreen for Acne-Prone Skin

sunscreen product

Speaking of sensitive, oily, acne-prone skin is finicky. Ingredients can't be too oily or skin will rebel with breakouts.

And oily skin will create an oil slick if the sunscreen is too heavy.

That's why we love MyChelle. It takes care of 2 very important areas in a woman's life.

It's softly tinted. So it can be used as a makeup base, and it's a 100% mineral sunscreen. But MyChelle has one more plus.

This silky, sheer sunscreen contains bentonite to absorb excess oil and impurities from pores. You can wear it alone or as a primer. Either way, it leaves a smooth matte finish!

Stop by Jewell's Naturals, if you would like to test the product for yourself.

Why Choose A Natural Sunscreen

There are so many reasons! The biggest one is that chemical sunscreens contain toxins the body simply can't handle. When that happens, it creates medical mayhem.

For example:

  • Chemical sunscreen contains neutralizing agents that can become carcinogenic over time and cause hormone disruption.

  • The vitamin A used in chemical sunscreens has been shown to speed up the ​​production of carcinogenic cells by 21%.

  • Chemical sunscreens are absorbed in the body. Not good! The chemicals they contain are then spread throughout the body. That's when hormonal issues can occur and more serious forms of illness, like cancer.

Chemical sunscreens also tend to encourage more allergic reactions in people.

Mineral sunscreen products do NOT absorb into the skin. Instead, the ingredients sit on top of the skin forming a barrier. With natural sunscreens, you can go into the water immediately. No waiting for the product to take effect.

There is one caveat about using natural sunscreens you should know.

Some so-called natural sunscreens contain the harmful chemicals mentioned in this article. And that may lead you to ask a very important question, "What is a natural sunscreen made of?"

There is no real hard and fast definition, which is why it's buyer beware! For example, if a natural sunscreen contains nano particles of zinc or titanium oxide, it can enter the body and cause problems.

Jewell's Naturals carries only the cleanest, most natural sunscreens available. When we say "natural," we mean it!

Eat Your Way To Sunscreen Protection

A sunburn is inflammation, and what you eat has a huge impact on inflammation. Eating sun protection food goes hand-in-hand with sensible sun exposure.

Does it mean you won't ever burn? No, of course not! If you stay too long in the sun, your body will react by burning.

But you can increase your tolerance to the sun by choosing foods that help to protect you from its burning rays.

There are many to choose from:

Pomegranates and other red fruits like watermelon and grapefruit, leafy greens and broccoli, dark chocolate (YAY!), sweet potatoes, especially purple sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, salmon, herring, sardines, and even tea!

Black, white, and green teas are all high in polyphenols, but Matcha tea is king.

The University of Colorado found that it has "137 times greater than the amount of EGCG available from China Green Tips green tea, and at least three times higher than the largest literature value for other green teas."

Getting the picture? Sun protection is an inside and an outside job. It's up to you to choose carefully for both.

Where to Buy Natural Sunscreen

Finding a natural sunscreen without parabens and other toxic chemicals means reading labels. Because there is no legal definition of what a natural sunscreen is, manufacturers can slap a "natural" label on their product and sell it. Even though it has toxic chemicals in them. Seek out only the safest natural sunscreen for your skin. Read. Ask questions.

Remember, when you're asking yourself, "What is the safest natural sunscreen I can buy?," part of that answer depends on the store and their commitment to natural health.

Girl ponders buying natural products

How they answer that question is a dead giveaway to their commitment to what they sell!

Bottom Line...

If natural beauty products are an integral part of your life, add sunscreen to that commitment.

As the years pass, you'll find it pays you back in a continued youthful appearance!

To learn more about Jewell's Naturals sunscreens, after sun products, and other natural supplements, visit us at www.jewellsnaturals.com.

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18 Haggerty Lane, Suite 103

Staunton, VA 24401





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