The Holy Grail of Green Beauty Skincare
So, it happened again.
I washed my face until every trace of dirt, grime and makeup was gone. I slathered on my vitamin C and amino acid serum.
Then I applied three drops of rosehip seed oil and my moisturizer.
Now let me be clear. I don’t buy cheap skincare. The cleanser, moisturizer and exfoliant I use are made for spas.
I added the rosehip seed oil and additional serums for anti-aging. None of these products can be found at Wal-Mart. They are very good quality.
Got it? Okay, so why is it when I wake up in the morning my skin feels lightly dry. I chalked it up to post-menopausal skin. (I’m 62).
I also get my chemical peels and my microdermabrasion every month. No biggie. The dry skin is probably due to that, too. I really never thought anything more about it.
Then Lisa was raving about the new skincare line Jewell’s Naturals is carrying, MŪN (pronounced “moon”).
“Susan,” she said nearly breathless with excitement, “the results were so dramatic I didn’t believe it. I tested the ingredients for hidden steroids, just to be sure, but I couldn’t find any.”
"Humph," I thought. Everybody says their new skincare line is the latest and the greatest.
“Feel my skin,” she said. I did, but I really didn’t need to. Her skin had a suppleness and glow that I had not seen previously.
Lisa insisted I get the travel kit, so I did without any expectation of positive results.
I used all the products that night, the cleanser, toner, anti-aging serum, and argan oil. They all felt good on my skin, amazingly good, actually.
Still, I withheld judgment. Any time I try something new, I always think it’s awesome for at least a day.
The magic kicked in the next morning. I woke up and my skin wasn’t dry. I had to feel it to believe it.
I repeated my MŪN skincare routine that morning, then put on my 14e Cosmetics foundation.
My skin did not dry out during the day.
I kept touching it to make sure it didn’t get traded in for somebody else’s skin.
Really unbelievable.
What’s more, MŪN has combined the best of both worlds. Instead of having to buy additional anti-aging products, this minimalistic line has the anti-aging properties built right in.
Not Just For Fogies Like Me
I want to be clear that the MŪN skincare line is for ALL skin types, not just for geezers like me. It works with sensitive skin, dry skin, oily skin, you name it.
What Makes This Skincare Incredibly Different From Conventional Skincare

First of all, it’s 100% green beauty skincare. The real deal. There are absolutely no harmful chemicals in it at all. That’s huge.
It’s extremely difficult to find a skincare line without some synthetic chemicals in it. Read this article to learn about the 10 worst chemicals commonly found in skincare. How many do you recognize?
With MŪN, you don’t have to worry about that. You just have to be on the look out for fast acting results.
For example, I have a terrible time with dark circles. I was surprised to see a lightening of these circles in just a few days.
Between getting relief with the dry skin and the lightening of dark circles, I have to say I was sold.
Healthy, Glowing Skin
MŪN is a minimalistic line. You get potent results with less products. There are three
main products with anti-aging benefits plus the anti-aging serum.
Because you can do more with less, that’s great news for my pocketbook!
Plus, it works with my skin to give me a youthful, glowing appearance. And it does it without risking my health.

“The future of skincare lies in fewer products that are more highly effective.
So every formula I develop is designed to simplify your routine while still delivering remarkable results. “ Munemi Imai, Founder of MŪN. (pictured above)
What Makes It So Potent?

The ingredients in MŪN include, but aren’t limited to:
-Bulgarian rose
-Aloe leaf juice
-Goji berry fruit extract
-Hyaluronic acid
-Argan oil
But the one ingredient you would never expect to see in a skincare line is prickly pear seed oil.
Turns out it’s a shining star. It brightens your under eye, reducing dark circles (thank you!) and fades fine lines and dark spots.
There are so many wonderful benefits to this line, I can’t begin to name them all.
Sensitive Skin Users, Rejoice!
Munemi, the founder of MŪN skincare, has very sensitive skin. It’s one of the reasons she developed the line.
Want To Sample The MŪN Skincare Line?
That’s easy enough. Come in to Jewell’s Naturals and sample the products right
there. I chose to get the products based on Lisa’s recommendation.
But, as you know, Jewell’s Naturals is very big on sampling.
They want you to be happy with your product before you buy. Personally, I think MŪN is the holy grail of green beauty skincare.
I am so impressed with how my skin looks and feels. Truly, I have never had a skincare line produce these kinds of results so quickly.

Do I Have To Use The Whole Line?
Not at all.
Start with the product that addresses your most pressing skin concern. For example, if you have dry skin, start with the serum.
If you have flaky, congested skin, start with the cleanser. Abby is available to help you make the best choice.
Bottom line is this. This is a truly natural skincare line that delivers fantastic results.
Isn’t Mother Nature great?
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